How to check Sar value and how it affects health (iPhone/Android/Communication gadget)

Every people are connected to technology in many ways. Each Communicative gadget has some benefits and demerits and has a SAR Value which must be known to everyone.

SAR Value

People don’t understand that every gadget has a limit to use. people are so much addicted to gadgets that when they affect their health unknowingly.

cancer is so much more common nowadays. cancerous cells can create in many ways but among them, radioactive rays exposure can be responsible for creating cancer.

What is Sar Value

SAR is termed Specific Absorption Rate and it describes how much amount of radio frequency is absorbed by the human body.

check Sar value

Radiofrequency consists of electromagnetic waves whose frequency is between 1Hz to 3000GHz. It is used in TV, Mobile, radio, and other communication equipment.

all these happen due to a transmitter system installed in a communication device that can receive and transmit signals to the surrounding.

how does s.a.r value affect health?

Generally, people are thinking that radiation means it has ionized radiation like X-Ray, Ultraviolet rays. These rays can destroy your cell. These rays’ exposure can create cancer in your body.

But radiofrequency is non-ionized radiation. This frequency is a billion times less strong than ionized radiation. It does not mean it does not affect on Human body.

This is also the concern of the WHO ( World Health Organization ) on how much radiation comes from towers and mobile and that can affect sensitive health.

There is no specific experiment and result to clearly say that RF does not affect health.

What happens if the SAR value increases?

If the Sar value increase then it affects the brain because most people use their phone while speaking to someone else close to their ear.

The more the SAR value, will affect more to the brain.

GOvt. Guidelines for Sar value to Mobile companies

This exposure to RF (Radio Frequency) limits guidelines given by (ICNIRP)International Commission On Non-Ionizing Protection and is safe for human exposure.

In U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) gives the guidelines regarding the SAR value limit to Mobile companies is 1.6 W/Kg. (Watt per kg for 1 gm of tissue)

In India, the previous standard of SAR value is 2 W/Kg ( Watt per KG ) but recently INDIA govt. also, concerned about this issue so the Ministry of Information and Technology change the guidelines and decreased it to 1.6 W/kg.

How to check the SAR Value?

iPhone Users

  • You can check through Apple RF Exposure Link
  • Search your Model.
  • Click to check your device’s RF exposure value
Another Method for iPhone user
  • Go to the Setting
  • Tap General
  • Tap on Legal and Regulatory
  • Choose RF Exposure
  • Tap on the link given
  • it will show the SAR value of your device

Android Users

  • Use the USSD code
  • Dial *#07#
  • Hit the Call Button
  • It will show the SAR value

Helpful tips for safety from radiation

According to the research, radio frequencies affect the human body which has been reported where the SAR value is 0.2 W/Kg after two hours of exposure. It means companies showing that their SAR value is within the limit but you are not completely protected.


  • Choose a lower SAR value phone for safety.
  • Reduce the time to using the phone. Use the gadget as much time as needed.
  • Try to avoid using a phone until you don’t need it. Today people mostly use their time to see reels on Youtube, Instagram, etc.
  • Don’t answer the call near to ear for a long period.


In my opinion, safety is important. Although the intensity of Radio frequency is very low but does not mean it does not impact your cell.

Always use a gadget like a gadget. After work is completed keep it aside, don’t use it like your organ. Be safe and use a phone that has a low SAR value.

Nowadays Smartwatches also have features for the calling system but this can be done through Mobile later through smartwatches, we can also install a sim to call.

A Mechanical Engineer who loves to research and update new Science and Technology updates.

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